3720 W Dale Ave Tampa, Fl 33609
South Tampa
Chiropractic Clinic
Cold Laser Therapy
Low level laser therapy or cold laser therapy is a therapeutic technique in which exposre to low level laser light can stimulate cellular function leading to beneficial clinical effects. Laser therapy utilizeas a Class 3B therapeutic laser that safely increases ciruculation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area, actually helping the affected area to retun to its normal healthy state. The laser stimulates the immune system, accelerates cellular healing and creates an optimal healing environment.
Laser therapy is highly effective for the following conditions:
Sprains, strains and soft tissue injuries
Sports Injuries, tennis elbow and more
Bursitis and other inflammatory conditions
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic joint pain-especially for those patients who are not a candidate for joint replacement or choose not to have joint replacement
Post-surgical pain
Wound and bruise healing