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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is often caused by nerve compression or irritation within the cervical spine.
The nerves connected to muscles and other soft tissue in the shoulder are connected, as is nearly everything within the body, to root nerves that connect directly to the spine.  When root nerves in the cervical spine are under pressure or irritated, then pain, loss of sensation and weakness in the shoulder can occur.


In addition, shoulder pain may be caused by trauma such as sport injuries or auto accidents, a slip and fall or over utilization.  Impingement syndromes, arthritis, simple sprain/strains and other neuromuscular conditions may be the cause of shoulder pain.  Dr. Suzi Desai has extensive training and experience in the management and treatment of shoulder pain. 

The Role of Chiropractic Care

The approach of Chiropractic toward shoulder pain is focused on locating the origin of the pain with the goal of permanently removing its cause. 

Treatment options may include (but are not limited to) manipulation, massage, therapeutic modalities, kinesio or othopedic taping, in addition to therapeutic exercise.
Every patient's condition is different, so the first step toward treating shoulder pain is making an initial visit for a full Chiropractic exam.  Once the cause(s) of the pain is determined, treatment options can then be considered.
Chiropractic doesn't settle for masking pain.  Chiropractic's goal is to remove the root cause of the pain.  Isn't that your goal?

Call today and ask how Dr. Thomas Aguero's many years of experience treating shoulder problems can benefit you!!

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