3720 W Dale Ave Tampa, Fl 33609
South Tampa
Chiropractic Clinic
Your First Visit
We realize that some of our new patients don’t know what to expect when visiting a Chiropractor for the first time. Don't worry!! We’ll explain below what you’ll experience, so the mystery will be taken out of your first visit.
A Brief History
You can read more about Chiropractic history on this website. But to sum it up, Modern Chiropractic care has been around since before your grandparents were born. And the practice of Chiropractic care can be traced back over two thousand years to the Greeks and Chinese. Today, Chiropractic care is licensed in every state of the union and in most countries of the world. In America, Chiropractic is viewed by the federal government as a field of medicine.
Chiropractic is safe and recognized, and doctors of Chiropractic receive some of the finest medical training available today.
What Will Take Place During Your First Visit
Upon entering our office our receptionist will greet you and welcome you to our practice. If you have downloaded our patient forms and filled them out in advance they will be collected by our receptionist. If not, the receptionist will help you fill out paperwork to give us general information about yourself and your condition.
Once the paperwork is completed you will have a consultation with Dr. Desai to discuss health related problems, concerns and treatment options.
History and Examination
In order to evaluate your specific condition, the doctor will ask various questions related to your condition. Next, Dr. Desai will perform a complete chiropractic examination testing your reflexes, record vital signs and range of motion, as well as other standard neurological, orthopedic and postural evaluations.
X-ray studies
X-rays are an integral part of a chiropractic examination. While examination findings help to evaluate function, x-rays tell us about form, thus helping Dr. Desai restore a normal relationship between form and function. Chiropractic treatment without x-rays is "guessing", and Dr. Desai will never "guess" about your health!!
Patients will generally be provided with their first treatment during the initial visit. This may include manipulation, massage, physical therapies and/or soft tissue therapies.
Home Instructions
Prior to leaving, you will be given instructions on certain activities or procedures to be conducted at home. This may include ice or heat, application of topical analgesics (pain relievers), avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises or stretches.
Schedule your next appointment
You will be given a convenient appointment time for your follow up visit. Usually patients are seen again within 1-2 days of the evaluation and are provided with a complete review of Dr. Desai's findings, treatment options and appropriate referrals (if indicated) will also be reviewed at this time.